Friday, April 15, 2011

The little things

It's the little things in life that matter. Like a sweet piece of candy after a satisfying meal. Or a cool pillow to lay your head upon.

In the case of the horrible cat, life would be better if he didn't come with "little things."

I've gotten over the disgust of picking up a scarf off the floor only to discover the scarf also picked up a clump of fur while it was in the cat's turf. I've moved past the annoyance of stepping on a piece of the cat's food  -- which he'll take from his bowl, then spit out on the floor so that he nibble on it, inevitably leaving pebble size crumbs that are prime for stepping on. But the one thing I wont get over is the kitty litter, which somehow, makes it's way all over the house.

Somehow, little pieces stowaway on feet, fur, or something else, to end up everywhere. I woke up this morning, and as my feet met the floor, they also met a little white piece of litter. How, I would like to ask, does litter end up in my room, when the cat isn't even allowed in?

I did some thinking and realize it must have come from my roommate, who came into my room last night to chat. She had been putting clothes away in her room, and was wearing slippers. When I went into her room this morning, sure enough, there was a collection of litter that the cat has flung out of the litter box, all around the floor near her closet. It made enough sense that she would  walk on it, some would get picked up, and be carried into my room.

I decided to take matters into my own hands. I vacuumed her floor for her. Than I vacuumed mine, and was dismayed to find that what I thought was old paint spots that had dripped onto the floor, turned out to be more stowaway kitty litter. I even vacuumed the hallway. Once this was done, I took a shower and got ready for the day. I went into her room to look in her mirror (it's more flattering than mine). The cat happened to be in the litter box while I was in there. He was doing his thing, and just as I turned to walk out, I glanced back one more time at him. He looked squarely at me, then dug his paw into the litter and flung a little bit out onto the floor I'd just vacuumed.

Life would be so much better with horrible cat sans the little things.

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