Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So ever since stupid cat's recent stint in the animal hospital, my attitude toward him has softened. I haven't been able to get as upset at his ridiculous behavior because he's just a ridiculous animal. My roommate also spent a lot of money bringing him back from the brink, and I want to think that she's a savvy investor. Why would anyone spend more than half a months rent on something that isn't worth keeping around?

Since he's been home he's come down from his crazy eyes high, and has gone back to darting into my room any chance he gets and tripping me down the stairs. But instead of shoo-ing him away, I find myself picking him up and gently removing him from my window sill. After all, whenever I shoo, he ends up tripping over himself and falling, and I certainly don't want to be responsible for breaking him.

Ofcoures, if his horrible behavior is a cry for attention, I've obviously given into it by picking him up and holding him. I'm sure cat discipline books would claim that I'm doing it all wrong. I feel like I'm at a crossroads with him. My fury towards him isn't as strong, but he still drives me bonkers. I suppose time will only tell where this leaves us.

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