Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today it was raining... my roommate didn't have the option of letting the horrible cat out when she left this morning. His meowing, as usual served as a pre-mature alarm clock, though overall, he seemed a little more calmer than usual. He was probably tuckered from his adventures last night.

Before the rain started he must have been let out by my roommate. But by the time I got home the rain was coming down hard. As I was walking towards our back steps, I heard a rustling, and the horrible cat emerged from a pile of leaves, creepily, but without stealth -- much like a rabid racoon. He ran upstairs, but paused ever couple steps so that I had to teeter on one foot in my 4 inch heels until he moved out of my way. He darted into our kitchen, dragging leaves and whatever else he picked up in the alley, tangled in his long fur. When he got to his food bowl in the dining room, he gave himself a nice shake, getting twigs and other debris on the floor I'd swept only 2 days ago. Thankfully he disappeared upstairs to dry before he caused anymore terror.

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